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Understanding how it works

How North America's energy system connects

Switching on the lights is easy, right? Reach out and flick the switch. Simple as that. 但是,点亮电灯所需的电力首先是如何到达你的家的呢? As you may have guessed, that isn’t quite as simple.

Essentially, 这一切都要归功于一个覆盖整个大陆的能源“电网”网络,它为从海岸到海岸的城镇提供电力. But how does power get to the grid? Let’s find out.


How electricity is generated

There are four typical ways electricity is generated. Each has its advantages, 所有这些都是能源结构的重要组成部分,确保威尼斯电玩城手游所依赖的能源的稳定供应.

Power plants

Most of North America’s electricity is generated in power plants. 这些燃料燃烧燃料,如煤或天然气来驱动涡轮机发电. 核反应堆是另一种重要的发电厂,它利用裂变能驱动涡轮机.

Hydroelectric dams


Wind turbines

风车利用风力带动涡轮机发电. While these are 100 per cent emission-less in their generation, they only produce power when it’s windy. 当不刮风时,就需要其他更可靠的能源来发电.

Solar panels

太阳能电池板从太阳获取能量并将其转化为可用的电能. Unlike the methods above, no turbine is required. Solar panels, like wind turbines, 是否受天气影响,只能在有利的气候条件下发电.

How electricity is transmitted

现在,让威尼斯电玩城手游来看看这种重要的能源形式是如何从它的产地转移到你的家里的. Once generated, 要把这些电力从源头转移出去,需要几个重要的基础设施, to the light switch in your home.


After generation, 变压器将电力转换成更高的电压,以便通过输电线路.

Transmission lines

你在高速公路上看到的那些大容量电线将电力输送到整个大陆. 将它们高高举起的两极包含接地线,为电子提供良好的返回路径, and helps guide lightning away from power wires.


在通过大容量输电线路后,电力到达变电站. 在这里,它被降低到一个较低的电压,以通过更小的电线. Next, it reaches a transformer that reduces the voltage further, making it safe and usable for your home.

Power meters and electrical panels

一旦电力到达你的家,它就会通过电表来测量家庭用电量. Finally, 它到达电气面板,进入电线和威尼斯电玩城手游都使用的插座和开关. As you can see, while it might take little effort to flick a switch, behind the scenes a lot of work goes into ensuring that when you do, your lights go on. 这是你下次为你最喜欢的电视节目捏玉米时要考虑的事情, 打开笔记本电脑查看电子邮件,或者在凌晨蜷缩起来读一本好书.