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Drainage and trenching

The never-ending battle with water

对于农民和挖掘机来说,水是一个长期存在的问题. Whether too much or too little, it needs to be managed, 尤其是当你的庄稼或生计岌岌可危的时候.

这意味着要承担管道中一些风险最高的活动, 通过安装排水砖之类的东西, irrigation lines, drainage trenches and more. These activities involve digging deep with heavy equipment that can easily damage a pipeline.

That’s why it is crucial that contact your local One-Call service before doing any drainage or trenching activities near a pipeline right-of-way. You can reach them by using www.Call811.com in the United States, or www.ClickBeforeYouDig.com in Canada.

即使你看到了管道标记, 它们并不总是表明管道的确切位置或深度, 而且这条线可能不是一条直线.

Watch the video to see how one family narrowly missed a serious incident when installing drain tile on their farm.

Drain Tile Safety Coalition

For more info on Drain Tiling, visit the Drain Tiling Safety Coalition webpage for useful information and tips on installing drain tile safely.

Further information regarding pipelines located in your community can be accessed through the National Pipeline Mapping System at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov

Life-saving information

你知道在大多数省和州都是这样吗, it is a legal requirement to contact your local One-Call service before digging or excavation? These cosequences may include:


• Provincial, state or federal regulators can levy hefty fines to both the person excavating and the company responsible, depending on the local regulations

•维修公用设施的成本通常高于你原来项目的价值, 不包括填海和清理费用


• Underground utilities carry essential and critical services for the community. Interruptions to these are more than just minor inconveniences; they can put people, businesses and livelihoods at risk

•一些公用设施仅埋在地表以下12英寸处, 所以即使是一把简单的铲子也会造成严重的破坏

Risk of serious injuries and death

• Since 2008, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has reported 715 injured workers and 79 fatalities due to damages done to underground infrastructures during excavation work*.

*Source (PHMSA, 2018)

Although a pipeline leak is rare, it is important to know how to recognize the signs. Use your senses of smell, sight and hearing to detect a potential pipeline leak.


What you may smell

Natural gas
  • Transmission lines that transport natural gas across Canada are rarely odourized, 但可能有轻微的碳氢化合物气味. Distribution lines that transport natural gas to homes and businesses are odourized and could smell skunk-like or similar to rotten eggs.
  • 许多石油产品有一种独特的气味. 原油可能有臭鸡蛋、汽油、焦油或臭鼬般的气味.


What you may see

Natural gas
  • 在通常为绿色的地区,管道上或管道附近死亡或垂死的植物
  • 水在池塘、小溪或河流中冒泡或吹入空气
  • 被吹起的灰尘被吹起或看上去被扔到空中的灰尘
  • (夏季)管道上的冰或霜的积聚
  • Amber to black liquid
  • 彩虹光泽或黑色液体在水面上
  • 在通常是绿色的地区,管道上或管道附近的变色植被
  • 管道区域的雪/冰被污染或融化


What you may hear

Oil or natural gas
  • 嘶嘶声:嘶嘶、咆哮或冒泡的声音

如果你看到上面列出的任何迹象, or any other unusual sights, 管道位置附近的声音或气味, follow these steps immediately:

  1. Leave the area on foot – don’t use motor vehicles or any equipment that could be a potential ignition source.
  2. 搬到一个安全的地方,然后打电话给911’.
  3. Call TC Energy's emergency number. 紧急号码也可以在所有威尼斯电玩城手游管道标志上找到.
  4. Warn others to stay away.

You can never be sure where underground utilities are unless they have been marked by a professional. Utilities can shift from erosion or natural forces or new ones may have been installed without your knowledge. 使用免费的一次通话服务,您可以安全地进行工作.

幸运的是,有一些资源可以帮助您轻松地获得本地服务. In Canada, you can visit www.ClickBeforeYouDig.com 查找本地的一站式服务, 以及你们省其他有用的安全挖掘规章制度. In the U.S. you can dial 811 or visit www.call811.com 联系你所在州的医疗机构.

When do I need to make a One-Call?
你需要在干扰地面的任何时候发出定位请求. This includes digging, piling material, paving or even driving equipment over a right-of-way. Any action that could impact something below the surface counts as ground disturbance.

What is a crossing agreement?
A crossing agreement is an agreement between you and the pipeline operator that allows you to conduct your work safely with the permission and understanding of the pipeline operator. 对工作的任何更改也需要得到批准,以确保您的安全.

If you plan to do any work on a right-of-way or access the right-of-way while conducting your work, 很有可能你需要一个交叉协议. To find out for sure, you can either make a One-Call and wait for the pipeline operator to contact you, or you can contact the pipeline operator directly through their crossings team. 联系信息可在此页找到.

What is the “prescribed area”?
The prescribed area is the area that extends 30 metres on either side of the pipeline centerline. 此区域内的地面干扰需要书面同意.

Emergency contacts

United States

In case of emergency, click here for contact numbers

Contact our US crossings team:



Emergency contacts


Call before you Dig:
